
Gum Graft Surgery: Techniques, Pros & Cons, and Recovery

gum recession and periodontal probe
Gum recession is a common condition that affects nearly half the population. It causes the gums to recede away from your teeth, revealing some areas of the roots. As a result, you may start experiencing sensitivity when drinking or eating cold or hot foods. Also, your smile may look unpleasant, especially if your front teeth are affected.

Gum grafting is one of the best solutions to stop the progression of recessions or even to cover them up.

You will learn in this article everything about gum grafting, the procedure, techniques, aftercare, and what to expect.

When would you need a gum graft?

Gum grafting is typically the surgical treatment for gum recession. Before making any decision, your dentist will take many considerations, including the causes, severity of the recession, and its progression. For instance, if your gums are stable, not progressing, and not causing you any concern, you may not need it at all. However, in some situations, surgery may be recommended for the following reasons:

  1. Your gum recession is progressing: If your gums are receding from your teeth and are likely to worsen in the future, a gum graft may be necessary to cover the exposed roots, strengthen your gums and prevent the condition from progressing further.

  2. Your teeth are sensitive: Advanced gum disease can cause gum tissue to deteriorate and expose the roots. Your teeth can then become sensitive to hot or cold foods and pressure, making a gum graft necessary to prevent you from being in any pain.

  3. Cosmetic concerns: You may opt for a gum graft for aesthetic reasons, for example, to improve the appearance of your smile or to achieve a more symmetrical gum line.

The different techniques:

There are different gum grafting techniques. Each of them has its own use, pros, and cons. The three most commonly used are:

1. Connective tissue graft:

connective tissue graft This is the most common type of gum graft surgery and the gold standard for covering recessions. In this procedure, a small piece of the inner tissue is removed from the palate (roof of the mouth) after the outer skin has been opened and cleared. The palate wound is then sutured, and the removed tissue is attached to the receding area.


  • The survival rate of the graft is high
  • Provides good coverage of exposed roots
  • Good aesthetic outcomes


  • Requires a second surgical site on the palate, which may cause additional discomfort during healing
  • Very technique-sensitive procedure
  • The amount of connective tissue available in the palate is limited

2. Free gingival graft:

free gingival graft Similar to connective tissue graft, this procedure involves taking a piece of tissue from the palate. However, instead of removing only the inner layer, the entire surface tissue is removed and attached to the gum.


  • Much more straightforward than the previous one
  • It strengthens gums and stops recession
  • It can also cover exposed roots
  • Provides stable, long-term results


  • May not provide as much coverage of exposed roots as other techniques
  • Lower graft survival rates
  • Less esthetic (not recommended for front teeth)
  • Higher risk of postoperative discomfort and sensitivity

3. Pedicle graft:

Pedicle graft This technique is used when the gum tissue near the affected area is strong enough to support the receding site. A flap of tissue is cut from the gum near the affected area and then moved laterally to the part to be covered.


  • It does not require a donor site, as the tissue is taken from the area near the affected tooth
  • Shorter healing time
  • Great aesthetic outcome


  • Limited by the amount of gum tissue near the affected area
  • It may not provide as much coverage of exposed roots as other techniques

Are there alternatives to gum grafting surgery?

The main drawback of gum grafting is that it often requires a second surgical site (the donor site). This results in a longer healing time and increased discomfort.

To overcome the problems associated with traditional techniques, new tissue engineering methods have emerged that can reconstruct damaged tissue without removing a piece of soft tissue from another site in your mouth. These techniques include:

  • Alloderm grafts: This is a type of graft material made from donated human tissue. It is a sterile, acellular material that has become increasingly popular in recent years as an alternative to traditional gum grafting techniques. It contains collagen, elastin, and other proteins that support revascularization and cell repopulation.

  • Growth factors: Using growth factors as an alternative to gum grafting is a relatively new technique that is still being researched and developed. This involves applying growth factors, which are naturally occurring proteins that stimulate tissue regeneration.
    The best known is PRP (Platelet-rich Plasma). Rich in growth factors, it improves and accelerates the healing process. In addition, it helps reduce bleeding thanks to its hemostatic properties.

What to expect after the procedure?

After the procedure, the graft will go through several stages before healing completely. It is common to experience some discomfort and swelling for the first few days. Here are some other things you can expect after the procedure:

  1. Pain and discomfort: You may experience some pain or discomfort at the surgical site for a few days after the procedure. Your dentist or periodontist may prescribe pain medication to help you manage any discomfort.

  2. Swelling: Some swelling around the surgical site is normal for the first few days after surgery. Applying an ice pack to the area for the first 24 hours, for 10 minutes every hour, can help reduce the swelling in the following days.

  3. Bleeding: Some bleeding is normal, especially in the first few hours after surgery. To control it, you can apply a cotton ball with very light pressure. However, if the bleeding persists, talk to your dentist.

Some tips for optimal recovery:

After the procedure, there are things you should do and things you should absolutely avoid to guarantee an optimal recovery.

1. Diet:

You will need to stick to a soft food diet for the first few days after the procedure. Avoid hot or spicy foods, as well as foods that are difficult to chew or could get stuck in the surgical site.

2. Oral hygiene:

Good oral hygiene is essential for healing after a gum graft. However, be sure not to rinse your mouth or spit vigorously during the first day. You can start rinsing with salt water on the third day.
Also, don't brush your teeth for the first week, as this may dislodge the graft. Instead, you can clean your teeth with a cotton swab.
Your dentist or periodontist will give you more instructions on how to care for the surgical site and when you can resume your oral hygiene routine and diet.

3. Follow-up appointments:

You will need to make follow-up appointments with your dentist or periodontist to ensure that the graft is healing properly and to monitor your progress.

The potential complications:

While gum graft surgery is generally safe and effective, there is a small risk of complications. It is essential to be aware of these to spot them in time and act quickly. Here are some potential postoperative complications:

  • Infection: Infection is a rare occurrence after a gum graft surgery. Signs of infection include fever, swelling, redness, and pus at the surgical site. If you suspect that you have an infection, contact your dentist or periodontist right away. They may prescribe antibiotics to treat the infection.

  • Bleeding: Some bleeding is normal the day after surgery. But excessive and persistent bleeding can be a sign of a complication. If you can not control your bleeding by applying light pressure to the surgical site, contact your dentist or periodontist immediately.

  • Graft failure: In some cases, the gum graft may not take hold and integrate properly. Signs of graft failure include persistent pain, bleeding, and the appearance of the graft pulling away from the tooth. If this happens, your dentist or periodontist may recommend another grafting procedure.

  • Scarring: Gum graft healing usually leaves no scarring. But sometimes, white lines may remain, which can affect the appearance of your gums. In this case, additional treatment may be necessary to correct the scarring.

  1. Does gingival recession require surgical treatment? https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4907322/
  2. The etiology and prevalence of gingival recession https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/12636127/
  3. Use of autologous platelet rich plasma to treat gingival recession in esthetic periodontal surgery https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3768186/
  4. Postoperative complications following gingival augmentation procedures https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/17209793/
  5. Color Atlas of Dental Medicine: Periodontology - Book by Edith Rateitschak-Pluss and Herbert F. Wolf